Ilmakuva Temppeliaukion kirkosta. Kuvan keskellä on kirkon vihertävä kuparikatto, jota kiertävät lasiset ikkunat. Kirkkoa ympäröi louhoskivimuuri. Aerial picture of Temppeliaukio Church. The green copper roof of the church is surrounded by skylight windows and a quarry wall.

Purchasing a ticket

You can purchase a visitor's dayticket upon your arrival to the church or in advance by following the green "Buy tickets" link to the left. More information under Visit - Entrance fee

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Welcome on a visit!

We are open for visits every day of the year. Please check the exact opening hours one week ahead at the bottom of this page.
Welcome to visit this unique sight!

Entrance fee

There is an entrance fee of 8 euros for all visitors 18 years and up during our standard opening hours.
The entrance is free of charge for all minors and for holders of certain local cards (see under "Visit" for more information).

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      Temppeliaukion kirkon sijainti kartalla

      Temppeliaukio Church
      Visits and parcels:Lutherinkatu 3
      Post address: Temppelikatu 16 A
      FI - 00100 Helsinki
      Phone: +358 9 2340 6320